The office of Dr. Deborah Trojanowski has been permanently closed as of March 27, 2020.
There are many well-qualified and board-certified plastic surgeons in the area. I would suggest that you contact your primary care physician if you need a referral.
For anyone who needs follow up or new services, I can recommend Dr. Stephen Turkeltaub. His contact information is: 8502 East Princess Dr., Suite 240, Scottsdale, Arizona, 85255. His office phone number is 480 451–3000.
Medical records are kept for only six years after the last date of treatment. After that period of time, all records will be destroyed. If you would like a summary of your medical records, you must do this in writing. Your name and date of birth should be included in the request along with your signature. The request can be sent to: 8175 E. Evans Rd., #13055, Scottsdale, Arizona, 85267.
It has been my privilege serving you.
Best regards,
Deborah Trojanowski, M.D.